Heading for the Curragh across snow
Sean Norton
Interviewed for MAOHP - 30/01/2017
Reference Code: IE_MA_MAC_006_MAOHP_003_A
Location(s): Curragh Camp
Length: 0.59
In this clip, Colonel Norton recalls vividly the day he enlisted in the army. He remembers hitching to the Curragh Camp and walking across the plains on a very snowy night. He states; 'That was a very snowy winter's night and he [Seán's father] wouldn't drive me up to the Curragh, so I went out and I hitched a lift and I walked across the Curragh in at least six or nine inches of snow and enlisted that night. They sent me then to Renmore and then when the cadets came up in November of that year, I got it then ... I just got a few bits together and went out the road and hitched. They dropped me at the plains of the Curragh and I had to go over to the lights about a half a mile ... I was happy I think. I was on a mission!'.