Joining Air Corps – 1940
Jeremiah O’Connor
Interviewed for MAOHP - 15/02/2008
Reference Code: IE_MA_MAC_006_MAOHP_007_A
Location(s): Kenmare
Length: 2.59
In this clip (poor sound quality), Brigadier General Jeremiah O’Connor, a native of Kerry, records that in April 1940 his father opened a letter informing him that he had been called for the Air Corps on 07 May 1940. He recalls his father telling him while they were draining a field on the farm that 'here in God's name. Get out of that place and clean yourself', which according to Jeremiah was his father's way of telling him he had been successful. Brigadier General O’Connor remembers his father buying him a suit of clothes and a suitcase in Kenmare and recalls that forty-six years later, he saw the entry into the shop sales from that day.