Public perception of the Defence Forces in Estonia

Aivo Vahemets
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Reference Code: IE_MA_MAC_006_MAOHP_0030_B
Location(s): Estonia
Length: 1.29

In this clip Aivo speaks about the public perception of the Defence Forces in Estonia. He explains that public trust in the Defence Forces has traditionally been high and that it, the police and fire services are trusted institutions. He speaks about the role of conscription in showing people how institutions operate.

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Interviewed for MAOHP - 08/09/2017
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Tony Roe
Interviewed for MAOHP - 08/09/2017
Location(s): Lebanon

Length: 2.18

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Early experiences with UNIFIL

Abass Awala
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Tulin

Length: 2.20

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Abass Awala
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Tulin

Length: 1.51

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Abass Awala
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
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Length: 5.43

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Abass Awala
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
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Abass Awala
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
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Abass Awala
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
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Forty years of UNIFIL

Abass Awala
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
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Relationship between Irish and Lebanese

Abass Awala
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Tulin

Length: 1.22

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Aivo Vahemets
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Estonia

Length: 4.10

Aivo Vahemets speaks about conscription in Estonia and discusses his initial military training in 1995. After his conscript service Aivo explains that he went on to the Reserve, did his Reserve training but worked in a civilian capacity as a journalist.

Public perception of the Defence Forces in Estonia

Aivo Vahemets
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Estonia

Length: 1.29

In this clip Aivo speaks about the public perception of the Defence Forces in Estonia. He explains that public trust in the Defence Forces has traditionally been high and that it, the police and fire services are trusted institutions. He speaks about the role of conscription in showing people how...

Role of UNIFIL

Aivo Vahemets
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Estonia Lebanon

Length: 3.12

In this clip Aivo speaks about working with the Irish and Finnish Public Information Officers as part of his work with UNIFIL. He explains that as the Estonian contingent is a small part of the Irish Finnish Battalion they have to work closely with them. He refers to the public...

Value of International Military Co-operation for Estonia

Aivo Vahemets
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Estonia

Length: 2.39

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Working with Irish Troops

Aivo Vahemets
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Lebanon

Length: 2.52

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Impressions of Lebanon

Aivo Vahemets
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Lebanon

Length: 1.26

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The Atmosphere of UNIFIL

Ali Saad
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 3.32

In this clip Ali Saad speaks about growing up near Irish soldiers in Tibnin, Lebanon. He refers to his generation whom he describes as growing up in 'the atmosphere of UNIFIL'. He illustrates the interaction between Irish troops and the local community by telling a story of a time when...

Social Patrols / Harvest Patrols

Ali Saad
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 3.31

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Comparing Ireland and Lebanon

Ali Saad
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 1.34

In this clip Ali Saad draws a comparison between Lebanon and Ireland, speaking about Lebanon being occupied and the Irish who might understand this from their history.

Impact of Conflict on Tibnin

Ali Saad
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 1.35

Ali Saad speaks about the impact civil war and subsequent fighting had on Tibnin, explaining that the population of Tibnin is 4,000 while there are 12,000 Lebanese people from Tibnin living in Detroit, Michigan, United States.

University Education

Ali Saad
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin Beirut

Length: 1.49

Ali Saad speaks about his own university research in 1993 on the subject of the social and economic effect of UNIFIL in South Lebanon. He refers to the fact that he got a scholarship to Trinity College in Dublin in the 1980s but the year before he expected to go...

Salim Saad

Ali Saad
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin Tyre

Length: 2.19

In this clip Ali Saad speaks about the death of his father, Salim Saad. He discusses the assistance he received from the Lebanese Red Cross which led to his own long term association with this organisation. He refers to the support he received from Irish soldiers, such as Commandant Tony...

Selling supplies from a wheelbarrow

Ali Saad
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 2.14

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The Titanic

Ali Saad
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 2.02

In this clip Ali Saad speaks about the relationship between Ireland and Lebanon and he reflects on the fact that four people from Tibnin were on the Titanic leaving from Ireland in 1912. He explains that the mayor of Tibnin gave a speech at the hundred year commemorations in Ireland...

1982 Lebanon War

Ali Saad
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 3.13

While speaking about the 1982 Lebanon war Ali Saad refers generally to the Irish Battalion at that time. In this clip he speaks about Irish soldiers in Camp Shamrock, Tibnin who had a ship's horn in the camp. When locals heard the horn they would know to take shelter. He...

Irish Accents

Ali Saad
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Bint Jubayl

Length: 1.37

In this clip Ali Saad and the interviewers discuss the fact that Ali has a slight Irish accent. Ali recalls an incident while working with the Red Cross when he had reason to ring an Irish officer. The officer did not believe that the person on the telephone was Lebanese.

Message to the people of Ireland

Ali Saad
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 2.05

In this clip Ali Saad imparts a message for Irish people, saying that the people of South Lebanon are like the Irish and want to live in peace. 'To those good Irish people, I'm speaking about politicians and military and civilians and families. The people of South Lebanon are people...

Arrival of Irish troops to Tibnin

Bassima Fawaz
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 3.12

Bassima Fawaz speaks about her childhood, growing up in the village of Tibnin with one older sister and two younger brothers. She recalls after the United Nations came to Lebanon some Irish officers came to her family home and asked her father if they could rent out part of the...

Working with UNIFIL (Part I)

Bassima Fawaz
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin Naqoura

Length: 2.48

Bassima Fawaz speaks about her work with Irish battalions which began in 1985 or 1986. She explains how this came about; her sister had been working there and Bassima took over working in the Irish Medical Aid Post in Camp Shamrock, Tibnin, when her sister got married. She discusses her...

Working with UNIFIL (Part II)

Bassima Fawaz
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): At Tiri

Length: 2.37

Bassima Fawaz speaks about the Irish connections to the occupied villages of At Tiri and Rshaf and recalls walking with Irish doctors to the villages to do medical clinics. She speaks about one occasion where the Lebanese resistance had attacked an Israeli compound. The compound fired back while Bassima and...

Impressions of UNIFIL

Bassima Fawaz
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 0.50

While discussing the differences between the United Nations Security Council Resolution 425 of 1978 and Resolution 1701 of 2006 regarding UNIFIL, Bassima Fawaz speaks about the different impressions that different generations of Lebanese people have of the Force. She says her perception of UNIFIL was that the force was there...

Repeated experiences of military actions in Lebanon

Bassima Fawaz
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 1.52

In this clip Bassima Fawaz speaks about the impact of repeated military actions in Lebanon. She refers to each of the conflicts that she has lived through and describes the war in 2006 as the worst. She draws comparisons between Operation Grapes of Wrath in 1996 and the 2006 war....

Ali Saad

Bassima Fawaz
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 0.42

In this clip Bassima Fawaz speaks about meeting her husband Ali Saad, who has also been interviewed for the Military Archives Oral History Project.

Re-union with Irish soldiers

Bassima Fawaz
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 2.10

In this clip Bassima Fawaz tells a story which illustrates the length and nature of the relationship between the Irish and the South Lebanese. She recounts her memory of working with a female Irish doctor, Mairead Murphy, twenty-three years ago. She describes her as a good friend who attended Bassima's...

Selection for Service Overseas

Thomas Aherne
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2018
Location(s): Renmore Barracks

Length: 2.42

In this clip Tom speaks about his selection for service with 'C' Company, 46 Infantry Battalion in Lebanon from October 1979 to May 1980. He speaks about selecting his platoon and stresses the importance of the relationship between the Platoon Commander and Platoon Sergeant.

Preparations for Service Overseas

Thomas Aherne
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2018
Location(s): Custume Barracks

Length: 3.23

In this clip Tom speaks about preparations in Athlone and the battalion concentration in Gormanston Camp prior to the departure of 46 Battalion. He comments that their pre-deployment training wasn't what it should have been but recalls that the officers did get a briefing from Major General Vinny Savino who...

Conditions Overseas

Thomas Aherne
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2018
Location(s): Lebanon

Length: 2.12

In this clip Tom speaks about conditions in Lebanon, stating that the weather and accommodation was bad and he remembers always being hungry. He counters this by considering that they were young, they were soldiers overseas and they didn't mind, though he believes it wouldn't be acceptable today.

Battle of At-Tiri I

Thomas Aherne
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2018
Location(s): At Tiri

Length: 2.48

In this clip Tom speaks about events on Sunday 6 April 1980 when some of the De Facto Forces (DFF) came through a UNIFIL check-point into the village of At-Tiri. He describes the day as a sleepy Sunday afternoon and says that some of his off duty platoon were attending...

Battle of At-Tiri II

Thomas Aherne
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2018
Location(s): At Tiri

Length: 2.02

Tom describes Irish efforts to control access to Hill 880, which he describes as a 'commanding piece of high ground', by putting two 84 (anti-tank weapon) crews on approaching roads. Later that evening the Battalion Reserve began to arrive and he refers to his relief at their appearance. He expresses...

Battle of At-Tiri III

Thomas Aherne
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2018
Location(s): At Tiri

Length: 1.28

In this clip Tom recalls the Company Commander, Comdt Dave Taylor, arriving and taking over command. That evening Lt Tony Bracken the RECCE Commander, Comdt Taylor and Tom went to meet the De Facto Forces (DFF) personnel whom he estimates comprised fifteen or twenty personnel with a half track and...

Battle of At-Tiri IV

Thomas Aherne
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2018
Location(s): At Tiri

Length: 4.47

In this clip Tom discusses the question of United Nations peacekeepers returning fire. He explains that the De Facto Forces (DFF) at the checkpoint area tried to take over that position, they rushed the position and Pte Stephen Griffin was fatally wounded, Irish forces did not return fire at this...

Battle of At-Tiri V

Thomas Aherne
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2018
Location(s): At Tiri

Length: 1.45

In this clip Tom describes the week of activity at At Tiri as 'a surreal week' where occasional incidents would happen. He refers to the Battalion Commander Lt Col Jack Kissane coming to visit them and to supplies coming out to them at night.

Battle of At-Tiri VI

Thomas Aherne
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/03/2018
Location(s): At Tiri

Length: 1.12

In this clip Tom describes the action under Comdt Dave Taylor which became known as the Battle of At-Tiri on Saturday 12 April 1980, he refers to a colleague, Lt John Molloy in an AML90 armoured car which took out the De Facto Forces (DFF) half track and he refers...

Aftermath of the Battle of At-Tiri

Thomas Aherne
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2018
Location(s): At Tiri

Length: 1.25

In this clip Tom speaks about the difficulties he felt in the days after the action at At Tiri. He says he found this period more difficult and refers to the sense of 'aloneness' he felt after the other UNIFIL units and the De Facto Forces (DFF) units withdrew behind...

Reflections on the Battle of At-Tiri (Part I)

Thomas Aherne
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/03/2018
Location(s): At Tiri

Length: 1.36

In this clip Tom and the interviewer discuss the significance of the action at At-Tiri. Tom references a publication by Robert Fisk where he said this was the point where the De Facto Forces (DFF) and Israeli Defence Forces knew they couldn't mess with UNIFIL anymore. He describes it as...

Reflections on the Battle of At-Tiri (Part II)

Thomas Aherne
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2018
Location(s): At Tiri

Length: 1.26

In this clip Tom speaks about his feelings during the week and recalls that there was a great sense of uncertainty about what would happen next but that he didn't think the situation would 'go bad'. When asked by the interviewer if he felt fear he reflects on one incident,...

Giving the Order to Open Fire

Kevin McDonald
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/11/2016
Location(s): Hariss

Length: 1.37

Kevin discusses an incident while serving with the 56th Infantry Battalion which he describes as the only time in his military career when he gave the order to open fire. He was an acting Corporal on a checkpoint at night when LAUI (Locals armed and uniformed by the Israelis) which...

Operation Accountability

Kevin McDonald
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/11/2016
Location(s): Brashit

Length: 6.26

Kevin speaks about his service with 73rd Battalion where he was based in the village of Brashit, South Lebanon. He discusses his experiences during Operation Accountability where Israeli Forces intensively shelled South Lebanon for seven days and he speaks about seeing shells landing around their compound. He describes an unexploded...

Relationship with the Irish

Fawaz Fawaz
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 3.44

In this clip Fawaz Fawaz discusses the long relationship between the Irish battalions and the village of Tibnin and his own links to Irish soldiers. He speaks about the monument in the village of Tibnin to the memory of the Irish soldiers who died while serving with UNIFIL. He speaks...

Lebanese Armed Forces

Fawaz Fawaz
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 2.16

In this clip Fawaz speaks about his happiness now to see UNIFIL patrols with their own army patrols, the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF). He refers to his happiness to see the LAF in the area and asserts his belief that UNIFIL's presence in South Lebanon shows the world what life...

These are my Relatives

Fawaz Fawaz
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 1.05

In this clip Fawaz tells a story about his son as a young child. He was in kindergarden when a patrol of Irish soldiers passed by and he shouted 'Those are my relatives' because they used to play with him when they visited his father's house.

Deaths of Irish soldiers

Fawaz Fawaz
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Bint Jubayl

Length: 1.24

In this clip Fawaz speaks about the deaths of Irish soldiers in South Lebanon. He refers specifically to the impact that the deaths of two Irish soldiers [Private Thomas Barrett and Private Derek Smallhorne] at At-Tiri in April 1980 had on him.

Lebanese Civil War

Fawaz Fawaz
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 2.15

In this clip Fawaz speaks about people from Christian and Muslim backgrounds living and working together in Lebanon peacefully for hundreds of years. He speaks about peace and the role of education in South Lebanon. He refers to the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and the unity of Lebanon. Fawaz discusses...

Arrival of Irish Battalion

Fawaz Fawaz
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Hariss Tibnin

Length: 1.20

In this clip Fawaz speaks about the arrival of the first Irish battalion in Hariss in June 1978; a few weeks later they came to Tibnin. He speaks about Camp Shamrock where the Irish were stationed and he describes his memories of meeting Irish army dentists and officers and the...

Lebanon 2000

James Perkins
Interviewed for MAOHP - 30/08/2016
Location(s): Naqoura

Length: 1.00

In 2000 James went overseas as the Sergeant Major in Operations section in Naqoura, UNIFIL Headquarters. In this clip he explains that the Israeli Defence Forces withdrew from Lebanon during this time and the United Nations Force was occupied in securing and marking the Blue Line which denoted the border...

Convoy of White Vehicles

James Perkins
Interviewed for MAOHP - 30/08/2016
Location(s): Griffith Barracks

Length: 1.42

In this clip you will hear James speaking about the sense of excitement in the Defence Forces in 1978 when Irish troops began serving in Lebanon [UNIFIL]. He recalls that he was living in Griffith Barracks at the time and out of his window he saw a convoy of white...

Excitement to Serve Overseas

James Perkins
Interviewed for MAOHP - 30/08/2016
Location(s): Naqoura

Length: 1.35

James went to Lebanon in the summer of 1984 [with 11th Irish Component in UNIFIL Headquarters]. The interviewer asks him if casualties the Irish had incurred by that time affected his decision to go. James states that everyone was still so excited and it was something new. On reflection he...

Arrival of UNIFIL

Hassan Fawaz
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 7.27

In this clip Hassan Fawaz speaks about how unusual it was to see European people in South Lebanon when UNIFIL arrived. He recalls the Irish and Norwegian camps in Tibnin. Hassan speaks about his life in Tibnin in 1981, living in a one room basement apartment and driving a minibus...

Lebanese Armed Forces

Hassan Fawaz
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 3.29

In this clip Hassan refers to the arrival of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) in Tibnin in 1992 for the first time since 1978. He speaks about the co-operation and working relationship between UNIFIL and the LAF.

Co-ordination during Operation Grapes of Wrath

Hassan Fawaz
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 1.00

In this clip Hassan speaks about Operation Grapes of Wrath in 1996. He refers to contacts between the Irish in UNIFIL, the Lebanese Armed Forces (through Captain Said Serhan, LAF Intelligence Officer in Tibnin) and Hezbollah during the Operation to allow Irish troops to move around to rescue people from...

Irish Lebanese relationship

Hassan Fawaz
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Ireland

Length: 2.22

In this clip Hassan attributes the relationship between the Irish and Lebanese to the history of Irish soldiers and Lebanese people living together and to similarities between Irish and Lebanese lifestyles. He speaks about his experiences during a visit to Ireland and he refers to the fact that his own...

Visit to Ireland

Hassan Fawaz
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Ireland

Length: 2.36

In this clip Hassan speaks about visiting President Mary McAleese at Áras an Uachtaráin while he was in Ireland, stating that he had worked as President Mary McAleese's interpreter for three days when she visited Lebanon. While in Ireland he also met with the Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, the Chief of...

President Higgins visit to Irish Battalion

Hassan Fawaz
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): At Tiri

Length: 2.54

In this clip Hassan speaks about a visit by the then Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Conor O'Boyle and President Michael D. Higgins to Lebanon where they attended a medal parade for the Irish Battalion in UN Post 2-45 [April 2015]. Hassan's son, Ali, translated the President's speech and afterwards...

Rosie’s Shop (Part I)

Hiyam Haidar (Rosie)
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/03/2018
Location(s): Brashit

Length: 2.04

In this clip Hiyam Haidar (Rosie) speaks about the shop that she ran outside the 'C' Company Camp in Brashit called 'Rosie's shop' which she ran for twenty-three years. She refers to the fact that she met President Mary McAlesse when the President visited her shop while she was in...

Rosie’s Shop (Part II)

Hiyam Haidar (Rosie)
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/03/2018
Location(s): Brashit

Length: 2.13

In this clip Hiyam explains that the 'C' Company Camp was a few yards from her childhood home, she recalls soldiers bringing the family food and chocolate. She recalls two Irish soldiers with 44th Infantry Battalion who helped her father build the shop in Brashit which she later ran. She...

UNIFIL in Brashit

Hiyam Haidar (Rosie)
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/03/2018
Location(s): Brashit

Length: 2.22

Hiyam speaks about her father, Ali, and her mother, Marian. Her father passed away in 2013 and she lives with and minds her mother. She speaks about their house near the old 'C' Company camp, explaining that it was quiet when the Irish arrived but people began building houses near...

UNIFIL Protection for Civilians

Hiyam Haidar (Rosie)
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/03/2018
Location(s): Brashit

Length: 1.44

Hiyam speaks about her recollections of war and conflict in Lebanon. She refers to being lucky to stay alive but says people would not be as afraid if they were near a United Nations camp. She refers to the United Nations camp in Brashit sheltering Lebanese civilians for thirty-three days...

Irish Casualties

Hiyam Haidar (Rosie)
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/03/2018
Location(s): Brashit

Length: 2.28

Hiyam speaks about some of the Irish soldiers who died in service in Lebanon, she says she knew Fintan Heneghan very well and will never forget him. She speaks about meeting some of the families of people who died when they come to Lebanon. Archives Note: Corporal Fintan Heneghan, from...

Impressions of Irish Battalions

Hiyam Haidar (Rosie)
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/03/2018
Location(s): Brashit

Length: 0.26

In this clip Hiyam briefly refers to the good name left behind by Irish soldiers.

Final Reflections

Final Reflections
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/03/2018
Location(s): Brashit

Length: 0.39

In this clip Hiyam concludes her interview with a message of thanks and good wishes for the Irish people.

Working with the Irish

Ibrahim Haidar (Brian)
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/03/2018
Location(s): Brashit

Length: 2.36

In this clip Ibrahim Haidar (Brian) speaks about his background working with Irish troops from 1980 to 2001 and from 2007 to the present. He speaks about growing up in Brashit with Irish troops stationed next to his home. He speaks about the similarities between Irish and Lebanese people saying...

Regional Accents

Ibrahim Haidar (Brian)
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/03/2018
Location(s): Brashit

Length: 2.13

Ibrahim and the interviewer discuss his accent. 'C' Company of the Irish battalions was stationed in Brashit in South Lebanon, the company was traditionally made up of troops drawn from the Western Command. Ibrahim learned English through working with Irish soldiers in 'C' Company and as a result he speaks...

Childhood in Ain Ibil and Education in Beirut

Imad Lallous
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Ain Ibil

Length: 4.04

In this clip Imad Lallous speaks about his childhood in the Christian village of Ain Ibil, South Lebanon. He refers to the rural nature of the village at the time but explains that it had a good school run by Jesuits. He speaks about his further education in Beirut and...

Ain Ibil

Imad Lallous
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Ain Ibil

Length: 2.21

In this clip Imad Lallous discusses the influence of Beirut on the village of Ain Ibil during his youth. He explains that many people from the village who went to Beirut came back for summers and brought back music and dance and stories of life in the city.


Imad Lallous
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Namibia

Length: 3.35

Imad Lallous worked with the United Nations for 34 years. Much of his service was with UNIFIL but he also served on several other missions overseas. In this clip he discusses a mission he worked on in Namibia when the country gained independence in 1990.

UNIFIL in South Lebanon

Imad Lallous
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Ain Ibil

Length: 1.51

In this clip Imad Lallous discusses the impact of UNIFIL in the area and he refers to the impression in much of South Lebanon of UNIFIL as an impartial party.

Mayor of Ain Ibil

Imad Lallous
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Ain Ibil

Length: 2.23

Imad Lallous is currently the Mayor of the village of Ain Ibil. In this clip he discusses the work involved in this role; he speaks about the administration of the village and his work as a 'point of contact' for the various battalions in UNIFIL.

Working with Irish Troops

Jouni Jaaskelainen
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Lebanon Finland

Length: 1.21

In this clip Jouni speaks about Finnish and Irish forces working together. He refers to his interest in fishing and hunting and explains that through these interests he has made friends with Irish soldiers.

Family Tradition

Jouni Jaaskelainen
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2019
Location(s): Finland

Length: 0.57

In this clip Jouni speaks about his family's tradition of service in the Finnish Army.


Jouni Jaaskelainen
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Finland

Length: 1.56

In this clip Jouni discusses the Finnish system of conscription.

Perception of United Nations Peacekeepers in Finland

Jouni Jaaskelainen
Interviewed for MAOHP - 06/03/2018
Location(s): Finland

Length: 1.03

In this clip Jouni speaks about the respect he believes Finnish people have for those who serve with the United Nations.

Childhood memory of conflict

Marwa Dakik
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Hariss Hamra

Length: 1.24

In this clip Marwa recalls a childhood memory of her family's apartment in Hamra, Beirut being hit by shrapnel, the windows were broken and her sister narrowly avoided injury. She recalls waking up, calling for her father and fainting. Her family spent a few days in bunkers under their building...

Sounds of Conflict

Marwa Dakik
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Lebanon

Length: 0.57

In this clip Marwa speaks about the impact of conflict. She states that she doesn't believe her experience has had a negative impact on her but that there are some noises that she does not like. She recalls her uncle telling her that if she could hear the sound of...

Working for UNIFIL

Marwa Dakik
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Beirut

Length: 0.59

In this clip Marwa speaks about her education, stating that she wanted to train to be an astronaut in the United States but unfortunately her father became ill and she went to university in Beirut where she studied nursing. She graduated in 2004 and started to work in a Nabatiyah...

Irish Lebanese relationship

Marwa Dakik
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 1.05

In this clip Marwa refers to Irish soldiers' relationship with the people of South Lebanon and speaks about the work done by earlier generations in building this relationship. She refers particularly to connections with the village of Tibnin and to the idea of Irish blood moving in Tibnin's blood.

Importance of keeping contact with the local Community

Marwa Dakik
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Lebanon

Length: 1.23

In this clip you will hear Marwa speaking about the relationship between Irish soldiers and the local population. She speaks about doing foot patrols with Irish soldiers and emphasises the importance of the relationship with local communities, referring to the fact that she and her colleagues always try to bring...

Future of Lebanon

Marwa Dakik
Interviewed for MAOHP - 07/03/2018
Location(s): Lebanon

Length: 1.05

In this clip Marwa is asked about her thoughts on the future of Lebanon. She speaks about the further development of the country while saying that she believes that UNIFIL will still be present in twenty years time.

Double-Doubles and Chocolate Yoghurts

Nada Dbouk
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 2.36

In this clip Nada Dbouk describes her childhood home in Total [an area just south of the village of Tibnin where the Irish Transport Platoon used to be stationed] living next door to Irish soldiers in the 1990s. She recalls how they would give her chocolate and custard yoghurts and...

2006 Lebanon War

Nada Dbouk
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin Beirut

Length: 6.27

In this clip Nada discusses her family’s experience of the 2006 Lebanon War. She describes her father telling her that war had started and she recalls daily explosions starting. She describes three families staying in one house, with people in Tibnin sending them bread and cheese to eat. They stayed...


Nada Dbouk
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 2.00

When asked about returning to South Lebanon after the 2006 Lebanon War, Nada speaks about her happiness living in Tibnin and the importance of family to her. To illustrate this she refers to a man who wished to marry her but she would have had to leave Lebanon. She says...

Working with UNIFIL

Nada Dbouk
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 2.11

In this clip Nada speaks about starting to work with UNIFIL. Nada discusses the Irish Camp moving from Tibnin to its new location near At Tiri [UN Post 2-45] in 2014, she describes her fear that she might lose her job. She describes learning to drive to be able to...

Preparations for service with 43 Infantry Battalion

Noel Tuohy
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2017
Location(s): Gormanstown Camp Arbour Hill

Length: 2.56

Noel served with the 43 Infantry Battalion which was the first Irish battalion to serve in Lebanon. He recalls seeing a notice going up in Gormanston for soldiers to volunteer for service but states that he had been serving for less than eighteen months at the time and didn't think...

First Night in Lebanon

Noel Tuohy
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2017
Location(s): Tel Aviv Hariss

Length: 1.59

In this clip Noel recalls his flight to Tel Aviv, Israel to begin his service with 43 Infantry Battalion. He describes the waiting around after landing and the journey from Israel into South Lebanon escorted by French UNIFIL troops. He gives his first impressions of the destruction in the area,...

Setting up ‘A’ Company Headquarters

Noel Tuohy
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2017
Location(s): Shaqra

Length: 2.34

Noel's company, 'A' Company, were to be stationed at Shaqra village. In this clip he describes their arrival to the village on foot and his first impression of their camp as an open field with French bulldozers working in it. He describes their work building the tented camp.

Platoon’s First Mission

Noel Tuohy
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2017
Location(s): Shaqra

Length: 2.00

Noel speaks about his platoon's first mission and outlines his role within the platoon. They were to go into Shaqra village on foot patrol when darkness fell, occupy a house in the village and report on any PLO [Palestinian Liberation Organisation] or Armed Elements activity during darkness. The following day...

UNIFIL Mission

Noel Tuohy
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2017
Location(s): Lebanon

Length: 1.20

In this clip Noel clearly outlines his understanding of what his battalion's mission with UNIFIL was.

Life on an Observation Post

Noel Tuohy
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2017
Location(s): Shaqra

Length: 4.05

After two weeks at Shaqra Noel's platoon was moved further out from the Company Headquarters. The platoon was further broken down into a Platoon Headquarters at an Observation Post with a section each at two satellite Observation Posts. Noel speaks about facilities while on the posts and describes how their...

Checkpoint Duty

Noel Tuohy
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2017
Location(s): Al Jurn

Length: 2.09

Noel speaks about his platoon's position at a check-point at a cross-roads at Al-Jurn where they occupied a school. He states that this was the first check-point he served at and speaks about his experiences searching cars, working six hour shifts and living in the school.

The Value of Experience

Noel Tuohy
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2017
Location(s): Shaqra

Length: 3.32

Noel speaks about his feeling of privilege to have been one of the first battalion to serve in Lebanan and he refers to the fact that he and other young soldiers looked to older non commissioned officers serving with them for their experience from service in Congo and Cyprus. He...

Going on Leave

Noel Tuohy
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2017
Location(s): Israel

Length: 2.23

Noel speaks about getting seven days leave during his service with 43 Infantry Battalion. He recalls that he went on a four day tour to the Holy Land with three days rest and relaxation at Netanya, a resort north of Tel Aviv in Israel. He speaks about doing guided tours...

Contact with Home

Noel Tuohy
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2017
Location(s): Dublin

Length: 4.03

Noel speaks about an incident early in his trip where he was photographed on patrol by a journalist for the Irish Independent. The photograph appeared on the front page of the Irish Independent before his first letter to his parents arrived home. He speaks about writing letters home and states...

Going Home

Noel Tuohy
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/10/2017
Location(s): Dublin

Length: 3.15

Noel speaks about the preparations made for the 44 Infantry Battalion which was coming out to replace his battalion and which would be serving during the winter period. He states that he was looking forward to going home, handing out souvenirs to family and getting a bag of fish and...

Preparations for Service Overseas

Viv Collins
Interviewed for MAOHP - 10/11/2017
Location(s): Clancy Barracks

Length: 1.12

In this clip Viv speaks about his service overseas as a Fitter Private with the Transport Platoon as part of the 43rd Infantry Battalion. He recalls the Transport and Engineer Platoons being transported to Lebanon with their kit and vehicles by American aircrews while the rest of the battalion flew...

Arrival in Lebanon

Viv Collins
Interviewed for MAOHP - 10/11/2017
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 1.34

In this clip Viv describes his flight, arrival in Israel and transport to South Lebanon. He speaks about Total Garage where the Transport Platoon was stationed and describes the early work the platoon had to do. He speaks about the difficulties they faced throughout the six month trip keeping the...

‘I didn’t know where South Lebanon was’

Viv Collins
Interviewed for MAOHP - 10/11/2017
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 1.27

In this clip Viv speaks about briefings they received before leaving Dublin. He says they got no political briefs but were advised about sun burn and hydration, he states as far as he thought about it he was going out to be a mechanic in South Lebanon.

The Blue Beret

Viv Collins
Interviewed for MAOHP - 10/11/2017
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 1.52

In this clip Viv speaks about Total and the surrounding area where the Transport Platoon was stationed. He recalls shots being fired occasionally in the area as soldiers made their way to the long drop [latrine] but states that he never personally came under fire. He also states that he...

Reflections on his service with 43 Infantry Battalion

Viv Collins
Interviewed for MAOHP - 10/11/2017
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 1.56

In this clip Viv reflects on his service with 43 Infantry Battalion. He speaks of his feeling of honour to have been involved in the Transport platoon and the battalion and states that they are still in contact.

Impact of overseas service on a young soldier and his family

Viv Collins
Interviewed for MAOHP - 10/11/2017
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 1.21

In this clip Viv considers the impact his service overseas had on him as a young man. He explains that he was twenty-two years old and was six months married when he went to Lebanon. Viv discusses the impact of his overseas service on his family, stating that his mother...

Coming Home

Viv Collins
Interviewed for MAOHP - 10/11/2017
Location(s): Tel Aviv Clancy Barracks

Length: 1.28

In this clip Viv speaks about coming home on a jet from Tel Aviv. He recalls worrying that the aircraft was too small to fit everyone. They were bused to Clancy Barracks where they met their families and got a month's leave.

Letter Writing

Viv Collins
Interviewed for MAOHP - 10/11/2017

Length: 1.12

In this clip Viv speaks about writing letters as the only source of communication at the time. He speaks about the worry that some soldiers would feel when they might get a letter and not get another one for a few weeks. He refers to the fact that the Army...

Working with the Irish

Tony Alkhoyry
Interviewed for MAOHP - 09/03/2018
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 2.15

In this clip Tony Alkhoyry speaks about how he began working as a painter and fitter with the Irish battalions.

Importance of Education to the Defence Forces

Michael Beary
Interviewed for MAOHP - 28/04/2017
Location(s): Lebanon

Length: 1.17

In this clip Michael speaks about his conviction that education is vitally important for the Defence Forces. He states that in his position as UNIFIL Force Commander he can see the positive impact of having well educated troops.

51st Infantry Battalion UNIFIL

Michael Beary
Interviewed for MAOHP - 28/04/2017
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 3.46

In this clip Michael recalls his first deployment overseas, serving as the Weapons Platoon Commander with 51st Infantry Battalion in 1982, reflecting that it took ten years to get an overseas appointment. He speaks about his impressions of the 1982 Lebanon War and refers to his sadness that the personnel...

Changes in soldiers’ expectations

Michael Beary
Interviewed for MAOHP - 28/04/2017
Location(s): Lebanon

Length: 2.22

In this clip Michael speaks about the changes he has observed since his first service in Lebanon in 1982 and his current service as UNIFIL Force Commander. He speaks about means of communication and the requirement to take leave within a set distance of the area of operations.

Incident at Dayr Ntar

Michael Beary
Interviewed for MAOHP - 28/04/2017
Location(s): Dayr Ntar

Length: 3.18

In this clip Michael recalls an incident with an Israeli and De Facto Forces (DFF) patrol at Dayr Ntar. He speaks about the tension of the incident and the loneliness he felt while out speaking to the patrol himself. He illustrates the seriousness of the situation by recalling that one...

The Value of Experience

Michael Beary
Interviewed for MAOHP - 28/04/2017
Location(s): Tibnin

Length: 2.16

In this clip Michael reflects on the experience he and his battalion gained during their service with 51st Infantry Battalion. He speaks fondly of his memories of the Officer Commanding the Battalion, Lt Col Michael Minehane.

Change in South Lebanon

Michael Beary
Interviewed for MAOHP - 28/04/2017
Location(s): Lebanon

Length: 2.44

In this clip Michael discusses some of the changes he has encountered in South Lebanon. He discusses the relationship between Irish personnel and the local population and reflects on the Irish accents that can be heard in particular villages in the area.

Reflection on appointment as UNIFIL Force Commander

Michael Beary
Interviewed for MAOHP - 05/05/2017
Location(s): Lebanon

Length: 4.32

In this clip Michael discusses how his experience and preparation assisted him in his appointment as UNIFIL Force Commander. He puts this down to his overseas experience, his education and his need to understand various cultures.

Role of the UNIFIL Force Commander

Michael Beary
Interviewed for MAOHP - 05/05/2017
Location(s): Lebanon

Length: 2.43

In this clip Michael discusses the UNIFIL mission and its operation in South Lebanon. He also discusses leadership and the role of the Force Commander.